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Performance Engineering

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Performance Engineering in software is a systematic approach of constructing a software that meets all the performance objectives. It is to build a tuned software application at the early stage of software development life cycle whose performance shall satisfy all the non functional requirement during the performance testing phase. This is more related to Quality Assurance


It is the act of evaluating the software system for its performance and finding the bottlenecks in the system.

It is important to check the bottlenecks, diagnose the problem and optimize system performance while doing performance testing

Software Performance Testing

It is testing and certifying the quality of software application with respect to its performance.

The following counters are being tested while doing prformance testing.

  1. How quickly the system or server responds to the requests?
  2. Is the system or server busy or ideal?
  3. How much memory is being used?
  4. How often it is accessng the disk?
  5. What are the causes of delay? and so on..

Software Performance Engineering

This includes planning and building a quality software application without or with minimum performance bottlenecks. So the main aim of Performance Engineering is to provide better business value for the organisation by discovering potential issues early in the development cycle to reduce the cost of fixing the bottlenecks in a later stage.

Need for Performance Engineering

It reduces the need to rework and refactor the application in the later development stage. It helps the application to perform better because the performance was an early consideration and an integral part of design.

In classical software development approach, the performance testing happens at the last phase befor Go-Lve. So the performance testing happens in a hurry to meet the timeline, and ends up with bottleneck issues. So either have to postpone the Go-Live date or results in performance issues in production. Both of these break the trust of the client. So to meet the expections it is necessory to involve Software performance engineering from the first day of software development.

Performance testers have to certify the performance of the already tuned application. It is high risk to deploy an application in the production without quality check. So Performance Tester and Performance Engineer shall work together to make a quick and responsive Apllication

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